Harnessing the healing capacity of the unconscious brain.
The conscious brain can process around 50 perceptual pieces of data per second. The unconscious brain processes around 11 million. Dr David Grand pioneered a helping technique called 'brainspotting' which uses where we look to harness the healing power of the unconscious brain, in conjunction with the healing quality of the therapeutic relationship.
I was drawn to brainspotting as it seemed to fit perfectly with the client-led, gentle process of person-centred counselling. A brainspotting session begins with a client describing the issue of concern and then focusing on what is going on in the body. Using different gaze positions, this feeling can then be processed and the brain undertakes the healing work, often out of awareness of the left-hemisphere language parts. This technique can be used for a multitude of issues and is well suited to processing trauma which may not even be consciously remembered but still leaves symptomatology in the body.
I can offer full 50 minute brainspotting sessions or can incorporate elements into a more usual person-centred session. Please see here for more details on brainspotting.
Brainspotting can also be used for performance enhancement of any goals e.g. art, music, public speaking, acting etc. Please contact me for more details.